A half-billion inhabitants in a
sub-continent as vast as Europe [1],
nomad peoples living beside modern proletarians, the kerosene
lamp and Rockefeller’s fuel oils penetrating to the smallest
villages of the South while money remains unknown in entire
regions – such is the China of today, classic example of the
historically combined development of all Asia. The penetration
of international capital industrialized an insignificant coastal
strip and a few northern provinces; in the rest of the country
its action was limited to the destruction of the centuries-old
handicrafts and the crushing of the peasant under the burden of
usury. Between international capital and the mass of the Chinese
arose a class of intermediaries, the compradors, who. living on
the commercial profit granted them by the foreign entrepreneurs
and its conversion into usurer’s capital, bled the peasantry
Incapable on account of their
social peculiarities of unfying the country, of assuring its
independence, of resolving the agrarian question, this
bourgeoisie of compradors, unable to play any progressive role
in history, kept the country in chaos and prostration. The
ancient Chinese culture disintegrated: in the countryside,
ignorance and illiteracy reached their culmination. At the same
time, in the big cities as a common means of communication with
the foreign lords the infernal and highly symbolic jargon of
“pidgin English” was coined in which “I am” is
translated by “I belong.” Such is the country which is the
theater of the most important revolution precipitated by the
Second World War.
Chinese society, bastard child
of the old China and world imperialism, did not cease suffering
bloody convulsions. Principal theater of imperialist rivalries
in the Far East, it was chopped up by warlords waging private
wars subsidized by the big powers interested in Chinese commerce
before duly falling victim to a war of conquest by Japanese
imperialism. The defeat of the Chinese revolution of 1925-27
permitted no progressive solution of the contradictions in which
this bastard society writhed. That is why there was a consequent
slow decomposition of the lundamental productive relations on
which Chinese society was based.
Japanese imperialism invested
considerable capital in Manchuria, colonized in 1931. The
equivalent in yen of close to 5.5 billion dollars flowed in. [2]
Vast industrialization doubled coal production there and tripled
metallurgical production. But this industrial development did
not profit the country as a whole. The great agricultural belts
of the North and the South, which the Japanese never succeeded
in occupying, were cut off from the developed industrial
centers. In the North, above all in territories occupied by
Communist guerillas or by local peasant militias, handicrafts
underwent a new growth. [3]
Trade died down and the tendencies toward provincial and even
district autarchy gained strength continually. The country
turned in upon itself.
This had considerable
consequences for agrarian economy. The links with the world
market which made it possible to smooth the ups and downs in the
supply of rice and wheat, were cut. The result was famine at
each bad harvest. Entire provinces with tens of millions of
were hard hit, especially
during the big famine in the northern plain in 1941-43. A shift
occurred away from crops such as cotton, grown for sale in the
cities, to food crops. [4]
At the same time, the officers
of Chiang Kai-shek’s army, small local officials and other
supports of the Kuomintang, suffering from the mounting
inflation, appropriated for themselves immense stretches of
communal and tenant peasant lands. In the province of Szechuan
it was estimated that 20 to 30 percent of the landlords seized
their lands during the war and their holdings represented 90
percent of the land owned by the old landlords. [5]
This evolution was again accentuated after the end of the war
when the government through nationalized companies seized lands
belonging to the Japanese. The North China Exploitation Company
alone seized several hundred thousand mow of land in
Hopei. [6] (One mow
equals approximately one-sixth of an acre.)
The tax in kind since 1941, the
innumerable forced loans and requisitions of the army, dealt the
final blow to a peasant economy that had been tottering for a
long time. Numerous villages were depopulated – the number of
farmers who died of starvation during and after the war is
estimated at ten to fifteen million! [7]
Vast reaches remained uncultivated. The soil, exhausted by
centuries of too numerous harvests and lack of care, rebelled in
its turn against the archaic mode of production in northern
China. The yield per mow dropped without cease. [8]
Belden estimates that at the end of the war 50 million mow of
land were lying desolate in the three fertile provinces of
Honan, Hupeh and Hunan. Hundreds of thousands of small and
middle peasants were dispossessed. [9]
A considerable devaluation in the price of land occurred as
numerous peasants found themselves forced to sell their tiny
patches. [10]
Thus the war and its immediate
aftermath created on one side a new layer of speculators and
parasitic owners, and on the other an enormous mass of
expropriated peasants. This polarization of society signified an
extreme exacerbation of the social contradictions and was the
midwife of the third Chinese revolution.
China’s sudden reconquest of
the big industrial centers upon the Japanese capitulation
betokened brutal confirmation of a typical aspect of
contemporary China – the submergence of the extremely weak
industrial bourgeoisie by “bureaucratic capital.” From 1936
on, nationalizations acquired importance. Official statistics
indicate that in 1942 the government possessed 20 power
stations, eight iron and steel factories, many machine and
electrical manufacturing plants and ten distilleries. [11]
At the end of the war, the government seized all Japanese-owned
enterprises, thus appropriating the lion’s share of the
textile and coal industries. [12]
Four families, Chiang Kai-shek, the Soongs, the Kungs and the
Chen brothers skimmed the cream from these nationalized
enterprises as their private domain, utilizing their political
positions at the same time to amass fabulous fortunes in the
management of these enterprises and to acquire in numerous
sectors virtual monopolies for their private enterprises.
The reactionary American writer
George Moorad, who remains nevertheless an apologist for the
Kuomintang, decried the situation thus created in these terms:
By using government loans and
UNRRA materials, and by confiscating enemy-alien properties,
the state-family monopolies soon came to dominate mining,
heavy industry, silk, cotton, spinning, sugar, transportation,
and, of course, banking and overseas trade ... In addition to
their controlling interest in the National government,
Soong-Kung combine and its satellites also owned the China
Highway Transport Company, Fu Chung Corporation, Yangtze
Development Corporation, Central Trust of China, China Textile
Development Corporation, and Universal Trading Corporation.
Thus the great Japanese-owned cotton spinning mills in China,
which, in 1937, had rivaled Bombay and Manchester productions,
were taken over by the China Textile Development Corporation,
which, receiving government loans and government cotton, was
able to put private Chinese and British mills out of business.
The monopolies also got preferences in allocations of fuel,
transport and raw materials. (Lost Peace in China,
E.P. Button & Co., New York, 1949, pp.197-98)
This is a form of the
concentration of monopoly capital which the advanced countries
have never known.
When a member of one of these
families, the financier T.V. Soong, ex-president of the Bank of
China, ex-minister of foreign affairs, and ex-prime minister,
was named governor of the rich province of Kwangtung in
September 1947, four months after his resignation as head of the
government under the pressure of public opinion, the press
explained this nomination as the result of a gift which Soong
himself had made to the charity fund of the Kuomintang of at
least 500 billion Chinese dollars, or 10 million American
dollars, in stocks and bonds of important commercial and
industrial enterprises. [13]
“Bureaucratic capital,” hence, was the conquest of
dominating positions in the economy by exploiting public office,
combined with the purchase of controlling posts in the
government by means of enormous profits wrung from the economy.
These extremes of corruption
and despotism injured not only the foreign capitalists who saw
themselves excluded from part of their traditional profits, but
also the majority of the Chinese compradors themselves who found
the most profitable fields monopolized by the “four
families.” These native bourgeois layers, cut off from
profitable commercial or industrial activity, concentrated all
the more on speculation and usury, thus accelerating the
disintegration of the economy and feeding the hate of all the
productive classes toward the Kuomintang and its rotten regime.
But the factor which
contributed most to the disintegration of the traditional social
relations was the galloping inflation that developed during the
course of the war and its immediate aftermath. In addition to
the universal parasitism of the regime, the cause of this
inflation resided above all in the enormous mass of unproductive
governmental expenditures for the maintenance of a hypertrophied
bureaucracy and army – approximately 70 percent of the budget
was devoted to the army. [14]
This led to an enormous budgetary deficit surpassing two-thirds
of the expenditures, and this deficit could not be covered
except by unbridled printing of bank notes. By 1940 prices had
already reached an average of 3,500 (taking the 1937 level as
100) and in some provinces even more than 5,500. [15]
The end of the war was marked by pronounced acceleration of the
inflationary movement. During 1946 prices soared 700 percent in
Shanghai. From January to July they mounted again by 500
percent. The circulation of money rose from 1.15 trillion
Chinese dollars in January 1946 to 11.46 trillion in July 1947.
From that time, the rhythm of inflation accelerated, as is
indicated by the course of the American dollar on the Shanghai
black market:
One American dollar was
worth [in Chinese dollars] – in June 1947,
36,000; August 1947, 44,000; October 1947, 100,000; November
1947, 165,000; March 1948, 500,000; May 1948, 1,000,000;
beginning of August 1948, 10,000,000. [16]
The magnitude of the inflation ended in the elimination of money
as means of monthly payment of salaries and wages, payments
being made with sacks of wheat. Inflation led to hoarding of
gold and foreign money, to massive stockpiling of goods and from
that to increasing scarcities. At the end of August 1948, the
government made a last attempt at stabilization of the monetary
situation. A new issue, the gold yuan, was put in
circulation. Prices were stabilized and rigorous penalties
instituted to curb speculation. But the public remained
sceptical, since at the same time budget figures showed annual
government revenue covered scarcely two months’
expenditures. [17]
And so, like agrarian reform, inflation on the morrow started up
again worse than ever. Six weeks later the hike in prices
reached 45 percent. Four weeks more, and the official index hit
81 percent. [18] Between
November 1948 and January 1949, prices mounted 500 percent. A
new cycle of galloping inflation was opened.
The inflation led to complete
prostration of business. “Production is paralyzed,” wrote
the correspondent of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung,
October 17, 1948, “because of the lack of raw materials. The
peasant producers refuse to sell their products so long as they
cannot buy foods at official prices.” Fear of the inflation
led to heavy disinvestment of capital. Such capital, transformed
into gold bars or dollars, flowed to Hong Kong, the United
States, Latin America. Plant equipment deteriorated. Machines
were no longer repaired. Capital ceased to be renewed. Inflation
devoured what reserves had remained intact in the country. Coal
production fell to half the pre-war level; textile production to
a similar level. Throughout Manchuria, industrial production in
1948 stood at 10 percent of its normal level. A typical case,
cited in the report of General Wedemeyer, is that of the Hwainan
Coal Mine in central China owned by the China Finance
Development Corporation which is controlled by two of the four
families, the Soongs and Kungs. This corporation possessed
extensive foreign exchange assets, but refused to use them to
rehabilitate the mine. The government itself had to start
production moving by advancing more than one million American
dollars. After exhausting this loan, things stopped at that. [19]
Finally, this situation led to a rupture in trade between city
and country. Great stocks of foods and cotton accumulated in the
villages of Manchuria and northern China while famine reigned in
the cities. At the same time, huge stockpiles of coal
accumulated in mining centers while the peasant population
suffered terribly from the bitter cold of winter. All economic
life in the country seemed to halt. [20]
The culpability of the regime was apparent to everyone.
Intervention in China
Imperialist intervention had
prevented transformation of China into a modern nation. At the
same time it lent unexpected support to the particular social
relations characterizing the China of the first half of the
twentieth century. With the end of the war this situation was
radically upset. Of the old powers protecting the Chinese social
order, only Great Britain and the United States remained
independent forces, and Great Britain was too weak to intervene
effectively in China. On American imperialism fell the whole
burden of defending that Christian civilization which had
pressed on China the seal of opium, coolies and the licensed
brothels of Shanghai.
The outbreak of war between
Japan and the United States considerably accentuated American
interest in China. While bankers and technicians prepared plans
for credits and capital investments, General Stilwell sought to
utilize the immense Chinese human potential for the creation of
new armies endowed with modern equipment. It was in the course
of these attempts that the Yankee military heads had their first
prolonged contacts with the leaders of the Kuomintang and
understood that the Chiang Kai-shek regime Was hopelessly
corrupt and condemned to perish. The documents published by the
American State Department contain secret reports of agents,
written in 1943-44, which were all unanimous in predicting the
defeat of Chiang Kai-shek in the event of civil war on the grand
scale in China. The report of John Stewart Service characterizes
the situation in the provinces controlled by the Kuomintang in
the following way:
1. Morale is low and
discouragement widespread. There is a general feeling of
2. The authority of the
Central Government is weakening in the areas away from the
larger cities. Government mandates and measures of control
cannot be enforced and remain ineffective. It is becoming
difficult for the Government to collect enough food for its
huge army and bureaucracy.
3. The governmental and
military structure is being permeated and demoralized from top
to bottom by corruption, unprecedented in scale and openness.
4. The intellectual and
salaried classes, who have suffered the most heavily from
inflation, are in danger of liquidation. The academic groups
suffer not only the attrition and demoralization of economic
stress; the weight of years of political control and
repression is robbing them of the intellectual vigor and
leadership they once had. [21]
This appreciation of the
Chinese situation placed American imperialism before an
insoluble dilemma the moment the war in Asia came to an end. On
the one hand, it was necessary to give maximum aid to Chiang
Kai-shek to prevent the swift collapse of Kuomintang China. On
the other hand, it was necessary to replace the Chiang Kai-shek
government by a government capable of avoiding the outbreak of
civil war on the grand scale, since the Kuomintang could not
help losing such a war. But the sole means American imperialism
had to put pressure on the Kuomintang was precisely the aid
which it advanced. Unable to make up its mind to cut this aid in
order to wring real concessions from the Kuomintang, it saw all
its attempts to reach conciliation between the Chinese Communist
Party and Chiang Kai-shek doomed to failure in advance.
Attempts at
The political and military
basis for such a compromise was real nonetheless the first two
years after the war. Chiang’s armies, equipped thanks to the
Americans with ultra-modern materiel, were transported by
American planes and ships to the big centers of Manchuria and
the North, in order to speedily occupy the cities evacuated by
the Japanese, then by the Russians. The groups of Communist
partisans, officially united to the regular army under the name
of the Eighth Route Army, had occupied some agricultural
districts and a few cities, then had halted their operations. On
October 11, 1945, an agreement was reached between the
Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party providing for the
convocation of a People’s Political Consultative Conference to
iron out all the differences.
This conference was held in
Chungking in January 1946 and after 21 days of discussion
adopted a series of resolutions on the organization of a
coalition government, the reconstruction of the country,
military problems, convocation of a National Assembly, etc. It
was not a question of a radical reform. [22]
Finally on February 25, 1946, under the aegis of General
Marshall, in China on special mission as conciliator, the
Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party concluded an agreement
for the unification of the armed forces. The road to “social
peace” seemed open. [23]
Nevertheless, at the very
moment these agreements were reached, hostilities were again on
the point of breaking out. Responsibility for this fell squarely
on the Kuomintang, and several months later General Marshall did
not hesitate to publish a declaration in which he listed
“seven errors” of Chiang Kai-shek, seven flagrant cases of
military aggression on the part of the Kuomintang’s forces in
violation of the agreements previously reached with the Chinese
Communist Party. In the summer of 1946, general hostilities
resumed and at the end of that year the Kuomintang army opened a
general offensive aimed at occupying the territories held by the
Communist armies. A widespread civil war had blazed up. [24]
Failure of
Marshall’s Mission
Formally, General Marshall’s
mission of conciliation was wrecked on the question of the
occupation of territories which had changed hands after January
13, 1946, the opening date of the Political Consultative
Conference. The Chinese Communist Party demanded the status
quo ante and continuation of social reforms previously
carried out in these areas. Marshall proposed evacuation of the
territories and; their conversion into a kind of no-man’s
land. Chiang Kai-shek demanded their occupation by
“government” forces. [25]
In reality, the landlords were
convinced of the inevitability of peasant uprisings on a grand
scale. They had no confidence that the Chinese Communist Party,
following eventual entrance in a coalition government, would
prove capable of halting these uprisings. They feared
consequently that any prolongation of the period of relative
freedom enjoyed by the peasants in the Communist-occupied
regions would lead fatally to the seizure of land, and that the
example set by these regions would spread throughout the Chinese
peasantry. The sole means of avoiding this catastrophe was the
rapid reconquest of these regions, as long as the relation of
military forces was basically favorable to the Kuomintang. The
Chinese ruling classes understood that time worked against them.
The military adventure in which they plunged with a blindness
rarely equalled [26] was
neither desired nor provoked by the Chinese Communist Party
which seems to have genuinely sought the road to compromise. [27]
The failure of General
Marshall’s mission of conciliation and the following
fact-finding mission of General Wedemeyer did not by any means
signify abandonment by American imperialism of its policy of
intervention and “pacification” of China. For two years,
American policy continued to be buffeted between two
contradictory aims – to avoid any breaching of Kuomintang
power from one side; from the other to try to “liberalize”
the regime and lead it to putting an end to the civil war. If
American conciliatory intentions in China seem to have been
genuine, in practice American intervention brought
about prolongation of Chiang Kai-shek’s dictatorship. The
“pressure” exerted on the generalissimo to introduce some
“progressive” reforms achieved only ridiculous results. [28]
The total amount of American
aid given the Kuomintang was considerable. It is a flagrant lie
when reactionary circles in the United States and the world try
to explain the victory of Mao Tse-tung by the “insufficient”
support Washington gave Chinese reaction. So far as military
aid strictly speaking is concerned, besides numerous
American advisors in China and the transport of soldiers and
materiel for the Kuomintang in American ships and planes, 700
million dollars’ worth of lend-lease deliveries were made after
the end of the war in Asia, plus arms and munitions worth
more than one billion dollars. [29]
As for economic aid, the official American figure is another
billion dollars plus sale of surplus goods worth an additional
billion dollars. [30] Say
a total of three billion dollars which could not save
Chiang Kai-shek. In truth, nothing could have held back the
mounting flood of the third Chinese revolution.
Disintegration of Power
The defeat of Chiang Kai-shek
in the Chinese civil war cannot be understood if you consider it
as the defeat of a “democratic” government in the face of
the “totalitarian” power of the Chinese Communists. From the
social point of view, the Kuomintang regime, based on an
alliance of landlords and bourgeois compradors, was crushed by
the uprisings of exploited peasants. Even from the formal point
of view, it was the spontaneous initiative and a considerable
degree of local self-government which permitted the Mao Tse-tung
armies to overwhelm the rotten and universally detested
despotism of the Kuomintang.
Nothing in fact could be
further from reality than to call Chiang Kai-shek’s
dictatorship bourgeois democracy. The dictatorship was openly
affirmed as such, since the Kuomintang openly declared that it
was exercising tutelage over the Chinese people, not yet ripe
for political sovereignty, up to 1947. [31]
And the formal abandonment of this “tutelage” came at the
time when the dictatorship, basing itself on a secret service of
200,000 members, opened an unparalleled wave of repressions. [32]
A very convincing example of
the “democratic” nature of Chiang Kai-shek’s government is
its reign of terror on the island of Formosa in 1947. On
February 25, 1947, incidents broke out which led to a number of
killings by Chinese soldiers. The population of Formosa rose up
and organized political councils which demanded a democratic
constitution for the island. The governor entered into
negotiations with the populace to gain time pending arrival of
reinforcements from the mainland. When the Chinese troops
landed, a bloody repression began. The Americans fix the number
of victims at 5,000 slain; the inhabitants of Formosa speak of
20,000 people murdered. [33]
History took its revenge on Chiang Kai-shek by abandoning him
today to the stubborn, underground hatred of the unhappy people
of this island.
As Trotsky long ago observed,
the Kuomintang dictatorship was not fascist in character [34];
contrary to the fascist regimes it had no base of support in the
petty-bourgeois masses, which were violently hostile to it. It
was a military dictatorship based on an alliance between
landlords, certain layers of compradors and the immense caste of
military men and upper bureaucrats who profited from the regime.
According to the Swiss journal Der Bund, China
had 6,773 generals in active service. (June 15, 1948.) The war,
however, altered the base of this regime. Cut off from the big
industrial centers and the decisive levels of the compradors,
Chiang Kai-shek was forced to support himself more fully on the
most conservative and backward landlords. From this fact, the
political weight of the representatives of this class (notably
the clique of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang) became
decisive. [35] This
explains the failure of the 1946 compromise which had been
favored’ by the industrial bourgeoisie of northern China, who,
on March 13, 1946, sent a delegation to Kuomintang headquarters
to obtain immediate cessation of hostilities. [36]
Career of a
The personality of Chiang
Kai-shek is a faithful reflection of the regime which he
incarnated. Harold Isaacs has drawn a portrait of the Chinese
dictator as ferocious as it is faithful. Son of a
landlord-trader of the province of Chekiang, Chiang Kai-shek
came to Shanghai about 1911 where he tried to make a career as a
stock broker. He got in touch with the secret societies and
hobnobbed, says Isaacs, with “gangsters and bankers, smugglers
and brothel-keepers, the money-changers and the scum of the
treaty ports.” Headed for prison, he was saved by his
comprador protectors, then went south to link his fortune with
Sun Yat-sen. A young career officer, he was chosen by the father
of the Chinese Republic to spend six months in Moscow in 1923.
On his return, he became commander of the Whampoo Military
Academy, constructed and maintained with Russian funds; and it
was from this position that he left in 1925 for the military
expedition which permitted him later to crush the revolution in
1927 and to unify China under his dictatorship. The massacres
which he perpetrated left wounds that are felt to this day.
From April to December 1927,
37,985 persons were executed for “political crimes.” From
January to August 1928, the number condemned to death was
27,699. At the end of 1930, it was estimated that 140,000
political, opponents had been put to death by the regime. In
1931, incomplete statistics referring to the cities of only six
provinces mentioned 38,778 persons executed by the political
police in the course of the year.
Wrought by the War
Chiang Kai-shek maintained his
dominant position, says Isaacs, by offering immediate benefits
to all the ruling classes and by effective maneuvering among the
mutually hostile military cliques. [37]
But the change in the relationship of forces between landlords
and compradors during the war profoundly altered the
Kuomintang’s seat of power. Even more fatal was the
development in northern China and Manchuria during the same
period of organs of self-defense and self-government among the
peasants. In the lost villages where the Japanese troops had not
been able to send more than advance scouts but which the
Kuomintang troops precipitatejy abandoned, solid nuclei were
organized of anti-imperialist resistance and local democracy.
The village militia of secretly elected town administrations
appeared even behind the Japanese lines.
The Communist Eighth Route Army
soon began to coordinate this resistance movement under its
leadership. Having insufficient cadres, it was compelled to
leave the villages a high degree of autonomy and democracy.
Administrative units put together in rather slack fashion were
taken in hand by a central body created from above, the
“government of the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Border
Region” which left considerable representation to local and
non-Communist elements. [38]
Toward the end of the war, this “government” and the
authoritative formations which the Communist partisans had
constructed in other parts of the country already controlled
close to 90 million people. [39]
The mass of peasants, while
observing with distrust the measures of the new authorities
tending to prevent the agrarian reform up until 1946,
nevertheless considered the new government as the first which
had not acted forcibly and always against the people. They were
ready to grant it their support from the moment their
fundamental demand for land was carried out. [40]
The Chiang Kai-shek regime thus
found itself facing an adversary whose forces did not cease to
grow. Its own resources did not cease to diminish, corroded by
an unbridled corruption. Belden cites the case of a colonel due
for promotion to command of a battalion who was rejected because
of inability to pay the customary “gift” to his superiors.
He was then made head of the transport unit of his regiment. In
this capacity he had to give one-seventh of all the gasoline to
the officer in charge of the supply depot. His superiors took
another one-seventh of the gasoline for their personal graft. To
supply the regiment, the colonel had to sell grease and
lubricants on the black market himself in order to make up for
the gasoline lifted by the corrupt officers. [41]
The Chinese writer Pei Wan-chung reports that the mayors of
villages responsible lor sending young recruits to the army had
organized, in the province of Hopei, a system according to which
every family paying exorbitant sums could keep their sons home. [42]
At the same time the missing forces were inscribed on the
regimental books so that the officers could put their pay in
their own pockets. The result was that numerous armed formations
did not have more than 60 percent of their presumed forces. [43]
The situation becomes clearer still when one adds that very
often officers of the Kuomintang sold their arms to the
The monetary reform of August
1948 installing the gold yuan had been prepared so
secretly that not even the American advisors of the Chinese
governmelnt had been informed. Yet it soon appeared that the
General Secretary of the Ministry of Finance had organized his
own little speculation in the Shanghai stock exchange through
the fact that he knew the date and details of this reform! [44]
General Wedemeyer’s report affirms that tax officials took
more from the peasants than they could pay, while rich
businessmen and merchants evaded tax obligations by presenting
fake accounts. [45] The
same report declares that “In pre-war years, the reputation of
the Chinese-Maritime Customs for efficiency and honesty of
administration was unexcelled throughout the world. At the
present time ... corruption ... is widespread, more so ... than
at any time in the last 94 years.” Merchants bribed customs
officials to pass their goods illegally, evading license fees
and customs duties to get around price controls or simply to
expedite action. The administrative costs of collecting duties,
however, averaged only 10 percent; while in the Direct Tax
Bureau of the Ministry of Finance the “administrative”
expense of tax collection ran as high as 60 percent. [46]
Middle Class
In contrast to the high
dignitaries of the regime who organized fraud and corruption as
a private racket, the bulk of the small functionaries were
pushed on the road of corruption because of the flagrant
insufficiency of their salaries. Inflation hit the functionaries
and salaried middle classes harder than it did the industrial
workers. In March 1948, a university professor earned 10 million
Chinese dollars (equivalent to 20 American dollars). [47]
He had no way of obtaining supplementary income to this
starvation wage. Hardly surprising then, in these conditions,
that “the cultured, intellectual classes should be almost
completely alienated from the regime”. [48]
And in token of this hostility, imposing protest movements
centered around the universities.
In 1946 especially there were
demonstrations greeting establishment of the truce; but the
demonstrators who acclaimed the leaders of the Kuomintang as
well as those hailing the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party
were attacked by the police and army. At Suchow, 12 students
were killed and 27 wounded. The dean of the school was likewise
killed. At Kunming, two professors were murdered after having
spoken at a meeting in favor of the truce. [49]
In 1947, the movement was much larger. Students of the
universities of Shanghai, Peking and Nanking proclaimed a
general strike. Some 3,000 students of the Transport High School
occupied the North Station in Shanghai and seized a train,
demanding that it take them to Nanking to talk with the
government. [50] The
students tried to organize the nationwide general strike for
June 2. Repression was rapid and violent. Thousands of soldiers
and police closed in on the universities of Shanghai and
Nanking, arresting and beating hundreds of students. At Hankow
and Chungking likewise, the number of victims was high. Nine
hundred and twenty-three arrests, dozens of deaths, a thousand
wounded – such was the balance sheet of the student movement
of 1947. [51]
In 1948, the movement started
again in the spring. At Peking a mass demonstration clashed with
a barrier of police. There were a number of dead and wounded on
both sides. At Kunming, July 15, 1948, police staged a raid on
the University, killing five students, wounding a hundred and
arresting 1,200, of whom 300 were sent to concentration camps.
The prisoners were submitted to infamous tortures; 30 were
buried alive. In August 1948, a special court was set up to
handle “student insubordinations.” Thousands of students and
hundreds of professors were dismissed from the middle and higher
schools. [52]
The workers’ movement during
the first postwar years also experienced a period of mounting
intensity in the big industrial centers. During 1946, 1,600
strikes took place in Shanghai. [53]
The sliding scale of wages was
won and the workers obtained numerous supplementary bonuses to
offset the effects of the worst inflation. In 1947, there was a
new wave of strikes which in Shanghai in May almost reached a
general strike protesting the temporary banning of the sliding
wage scale system. [54]
The system was restored. In 1948, however, the acceleration of
the inflationary movement and the aggravation of the military
situation brought on a period of retreat in the labor movement.
The struggle for elementary personal and family needs became
paramount. Apathy spread among the people who began to look
toward the armies to resolve their difficulties. There were only
the disturbances of the famine, the rice riots.
Government authority
disappeared completely. The desire for peace was universal. All
classes of the nation felt profound loathing for the regime.
Still, a class was needed to deal it the final blow. It was the
peasant insurrections that overthrew Chiang Kai-shek.
The Agrarian
The unequal historic
development of China finds its most faithful reflection in the
unequal development of agriculture in the different Chinese
regions. Hence it is impossible to give a simple sketch of class
relations in the Chinese village since these relations
vary enormously from region to region. A certain number of
generalizations nevertheless remain possible. Agriculture in the
provinces south of the Yangtze is in general more
advanced than that of the northern provinces; in the same way,
in the North in places remote from the coast and principal
railway lines one finds stronger vestiges of feudalism in
agriculture. [55] In
southern China, farms are smaller than in the North. But this
difference simply reflects the poverty of agriculture in the
North where the peasants are unable to eke out a living on
smaller plots. Thus in the South of China only half the farms
have an area greater than 1.64 acres and 20 percent an area
greater than 3.29 acres. In northern China, 73 percent of the
farms have more than 1.64 acres, not more than 50 percent are
larger than 3.29 acres and 35 percent exceed 4.94 acres. These
figures also indicate the extremely small dimensions of Chinese
farms. [56]
In the North of China, the
small landlord system predominates; in the South, tenants and
sharecroppers constitute the majority of the peasants. However,
throughout China the number of independent peasants has
diminished considerably since the turn of the century, as is
recognized by official Kuomintang sources. In some provinces of
southern China, the percentage of peasants owning their land
fell extremely low – in the province of Chekiang (south of
Shanghai along the sea) to 18 percent; in the rich province of
Kwantung, where Canton is located, 21 percent; in Fukieng,
between Chekiang and Kwantung, 25 percent, etc. More agriculture
is capitalist and more small farmers have given way to the
tenant and sharecropper. [57]
In 1936, professor Chen
Han-seng estimated that 65 percent of the Chinese peasantry
either possessed no land or possessed too little to make the
barest living. [58]
Chinese agriculture is likewise
marked by a strong differentiation in the form of payment
of agrarian rent. This rent is paid sometimes in kind at a fixed
rate, sometimes as a portion of the annual harvest. In general,
industrial crops (cotton, tea) pay rent in money, food crops
predominantly in kind. This rent is extremely high. Official
Kuomintang sources fix “the average” at 40 to 60 percent of
the harvest, but in numerous cases the landlords receive more
than 60 percent of the harvest, as the following figures
of farms paying on the harvest [59] |
Province |
50% to 60%
(of the crop) |
60% to 70%
(of the crop) |
than 70%
(of the crop) |
Hopei |
6.9 |
16.0 |
9.2 |
Szechuan |
28.9 |
21.7 |
2.4 |
Shantung |
3.4 |
9.4 |
11.7 |
Suiyuan |
6.3 |
12.5 |
6.3 |
Honan |
11.0 |
13.6 |
2.2 |
Shansi |
24.8 |
14.3 |
0.8 |
Fukien |
19.3 |
9.7 |
2.2 |
Tsinghai |
9.1 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
Hunan |
16.5 |
5.5 |
3.3 |
Kansu |
4.9 |
4.9 |
2.4 |
To complete this picture, it
must be added that in practice the landlord fixed the rate of
rent as he pleased and this rate often varied from harvest to
harvest in the absence of any written contract. Even with a
written contract, it remained with the landlord to interpret it
as he pleased since the peasant was most often illiterate.
Finally, it is necessary to say that the rates cited above refer
solely to rent of the land. If the landlord likewise
furnished some farm tool or fertilizer, he demanded additional
payment. [60]
of Land Relations
The landlords were themselves
quite different. In the North, they lived in general amid their
lands; capital went from the city to the countryside; the
merchant tended to become a landlord. Contrariwise, in the
South, the owner generally lived in the city. He invested the
rents he received in business or industry. Capital went from the
countryside to the city. [61]
In both cases, however, the capitalization of the land rent was
never made through the industrialization or mechanization of
agriculture, the improvement of the land or increase in the
productivity of labor. It was done either by taking the land
from ruined peasants and parceling it out to other peasants
toiling with the same archaic methods, or by usury, trade, or by
a combination of these different operations. This explains the
considerable backwardness in the development of agriculture in
relation to the growth of the population. [62]
Bourgeois economists try to
explain this backwardness by the lack of arable land or the
excessive birth rate. In reality, it is a question of a
phenomenon already well known in Russia and again today in
India. Because of the lack of land, the landlord is interested
in maintaining production within the limits of intensive small
production similar to truck gardening, without introducing the
methods of production and instruments of modern technique. Each
year, all the surplus product and a part of the means of
subsistence are taken from agriculture to feed and enrich the
landlords, the bureaucrats and innumerable officers. This
permanent crisis in agriculture cannot be resolved unless the
owners are expropriated, a new concentration of land rendered
impossible by the nationalization of the soil, the buying and
selling of land forbidden and the countryside thus made capable
of providing a market for the industries of the city, which in
turn will furnish the countryside with the instruments needed to
considerably raise agricultural production.
The Burden
of Taxes and Usury
In addition to this basic cause
of the poverty of the Chinese peasant, other evils overwhelmed
him too, principal among them being the feudal vestiges, usury
and the exorbitant taxes. Feudal vestiges were heavy in northern
China and even in certain inland provinces of southern China.
Not very far from Shanghai one could see the adobe castles of
the landlords surrounded by the miserable huts of the peasants.
The head of each sai (social unit composed of a number
of villages) was at once judge, merchant, tax collector, usurer
and executioner. He had his own army recruited on a
“voluntary” basis among his servants and the poor peasants
of the area. Forced labor, the lord’s feudal right over wives
of the peasants, concubinage, existed on a wide scale. [63]
Usury was the direct
consequence of the exorbitant rate of rent which prevented the
peasants from accumulating the least reserve fund. It expanded
considerably with the commercialisation of agriculture
which tied the value of the harvests to the fluctuations of the
world market. If for natural causes or in consequence of the
movement of prices a poor harvest made it impossible for the
tenant to pay his taxes to the government and his rent to the
landlord, he was obliged to borrow money from the usurer, the
landlord himself or a member of his family. He was often obliged
to borrow seed for the coming season or even food in order to
give his family its meager pittance of millet or rice. Interest
was extremely high and did not cease to mount in later years. On
the eve of the war, it reached 40 to 60 percent a year. During
the war it exceeded 100 percent for three months.
Who could be astonished in
these conditions that “the most massive and best-built houses
in the villages and small towns were always the pawnshops”? Or
that the poor peasants of the province of Shansi had a bitter
verse: “In good years, the landlord grows crops in the fields.
In bad years, the landlord grows money in his house.” [64]
During the war the four
families sought to move in on the considerable profits of usury.
Their Farmer’s Bank and above all the “government” farm
cooperatives, which before the war had never advanced more thn
15 percent of the sums borrowed by the peasants, now furnished
them 80 percent. These cooperatives loaned money to the village
heads and small landlords who in turn loaned it to the peasant.
As in the celebrated cartoon at the time of the peasant war, the
tenant alone bore the cost of all these beautiful institutions
which crushed him and pushed him into revolt.
The exorbitant character of the
taxes has been emphasized again and again. In the history of
China, the examples of insupportable tax systems which have
pushed the peasants into revolt are innumerable. [65]
But never were any pushed to such extremes as in the final years
of Kuomintang rule. Besides the land tax, there were a dozen
different additional taxes which from 1941 on began to be
collected in kind. In 1942, government monopolies were
established for the sale of salt, sugar, tobacco and matches. [66]
At the same time, they established and extended the system of
military requisitioning of manual labor and agricultural
products which bled entire areas white.
In the article already cited,
the writer Pei Wan-chung reports that in the province of Hopei
in 1946 no one would accept a mow of land as a gift,
the special tax exceeding in effect the annual revenue which one
could squeeze from this morsel of land. Belden tells of a case
where the special land tax passed annual production by more than
100 percent in the plain of Chengtu. And in the province of
Honan, the same author discovered a case where the military
requisitions of the Kuomintang army were one thousand times
greater than the land tax. This had a precise significance
– the peasants lost not only their land, their food and their
clothing, they still had to sell their women and children as
concubines or servants to the tax collectors or officers in
charge of the requisition. [67]
If the predominant mode of
agriculture was that of small plots, the continuous
expropriation of the small peasants through very high rates of
rent, usury and taxes ended in the concentration of property
in the hands of the village lords, usurers and
merchant-usurer-compradors. It was not rate to find landlords
possessing 20,000 mow (3,333 acres) or more. Ten
percent of the agricultural population of China – lords and
rich peasants – possessed 55 to 65 percent of the land. In the
province of Shansi, 0.3 percent of the families possessed 24
percent of the land. In Chekiang, 3.3 percent of the families
possessed half the land, while 77 percent of the poor peasants
possessed no more than 20 percent of the land. And in Kwantung
where 2 percent of the families possessed 53 percent of the
land, 74 percent possessed only 19 percent of the land. [68]
This explains why the
insatiable land hunger of the peasant soon became transformed
into a class hate with an exact object – hate for the landlord
and all those allied with him. This hate precipitated the
downfall of Chiang Kai-shek.
The Collapse
of Chiang Kai-shek
When the economic and political
situation becomes insupportable to all the productive classes of
a society; when all the conflicts tend to become marked by
force; when the classes supporting the decrepit power have lost
all confidence in themselves; when indignation and revolt
constantly mount; when the past and the future confront each
other in every social conflict; at such a crucial time, the
rulers of the country, seeing their power falling away
definitively, end up despite themselves risking all in a fatally
imprudent action because they are powerless to reverse the
course of events. What the Varennes flight of Louis XVI was for
the French aristocracy and the Kornilov coup d’etat for the
Russian bourgeoisie, such was the Manchurian adventure of Chiang
Kai-shek for the Chinese ruling classes.
We have seen that at the time
the truce was agreed upon under the aegis of Marshall at the
beginning of 1946, the Kuomintang still possessed considerable
military superiority over the Communist armies. At that time
nothing was yet clear-cut. The peasants had not yet definitively
chosen. The uprisings were still sporadic. It was then that
Chiang Kai-shek, against the advice of the Americans but with
their aid, took his best armies to the north of China and
Manchuria and began an offensive to drive the Communists out of
the few cities which they still occupied after the departure of
the Russians.
This maneuver proved fatal on
all counts. Militarily, it lengthened the communication lines of
the government armies to the extreme and ended in their
isolation and complete encirclement far from the supply centers
and vital centers of central China. Politically, it forced the
Chinese Communist Party to proclaim agrarian reform to obtain
the active support of the peasantry. And socially, it provoked
the indignant hostility of this same peasantry because of the
vexations and reprisals inflicted on them, and thus unleashed
the uprisings on such a scale that the downfall of the
Kuomintang became inevitable.
In vain the American advisors,
including General Wedemeyer himself, counselled Chiang Kai-shek
against the Manchurian campaign and proposed that he first
consolidate his positions on the North plain. [69]
The generalissimo was obliged to take his chances as he had been
obliged to sabotage the agreement with Mao Tse-tung. Chiang had
used this tactic with success in crushing the revolution of
1927. But the revolutionary fires were then less numerous and
more isolated. Now it was a question of the entire country. That
is why in 1927 the lightning-blow of a concentrated force could
overwhelm the main revolutionary centers one by one, while
twenty years later a similar concentrated force found itself
outflanked on all sides by the extent of the uprisings.
At first the generalissimo’s
action seemed crowned with success. On May 23, 1946 government
forces seized the important city of Changchun in Manchuria; the
Communists were obliged to lift the siege of Tatung, important
communication center in the province of Shansi. On October 10,
the government troops seized Chihfeng, last important Communist
center in the province of Jehol, and the big city of Kalgan. In
November, they occupied the city of Tunghua in Manchuria, and
finally, in March 1947, they occupied Yenan, which had been the
Communist capital during the war with Japan.
Gain Initiative
These quick successes would not
have been possible had not the Communist command avoided being
drawn into big engagements. The Communist troops retired
systematically from the cities toward the countryside,
contenting themselves with cutting communication lines between
the urban centers occupied by the government troops, and
harassing them constantly. Although the Kuomintang troops at the
beginning of 1947 still had a numerical superiority of two to
one and still greater superiority in arms, the immobilization of
important contingents of the Kuomintang used to garrison the
cities soon gave the advantage of the initiative to the
Communist troops.
This initiative was utilized by
the Communists in an audacious maneuver that was crowned with
complete success. The armies of the Communist general Liu
Po-cheng marched from their base positions in Shantung, close to
the sea, toward the province of Honan in central China,
separating the government forces which had conquered Yenan to
the west from the main forces of the Kuomintang in the
Suchow-Nanking area. The forces of General Liu gained the
Yangtze and began to cross it in the month of June 1947. Other
Communist forces followed and a new front was opened by the
Communist troops on the two banks of the Yangtze in central
China. At the same time, Liu continued his march, ending by
establishing his general headquarters in the autumn of 1947 in
the mountains between Nanking and Hankow, the very heart of the
Kuomintang empire, from where in 1948 the decisive attacks were
directed against the government forces. [70]
Thus began to develop the grandiose encircling maneuver which in
1948 overwhelmed the troops of the Kuomintang in the battle of
Suchow and destroyed them there.
It would however be unjust to
ascribe the success of the Communist maneuvers and the failure
of the government maneuvers solely to the difference in
strategic ability of the generals of the Kuomintang and those of
the Chinese Communist Party. It is true that this difference
existed, and that, adhering to the fundamental rules of the
military art, the Communist chiefs sought above all to destroy
the enemy [71], while the
Kuomintang generals sought to occupy the big cities.
But in these different
strategies was reflected the different structure of the two
armies and the difference of their social function. Army of
social conservatism, dragging with it an interminable train of
parasites, living off the country and universally detested by
the population, constantly losing forces when in march because
of desertions and carelessness; cut from its supply bases in the
South, and for that reason obliged to group itself around
aviation fields where its food came by air – the army of
Chiang Kai-shek was heavy, immobile, harassed continually from
the rear by partisans, exposed more and more to demoralization.
Army of social revolution, consciously seeking to gain the
sympathy of the peasants by distribution of the land and food
stocks [72], capable of
dividing itself into innumerable columns which in course of the
way became armies that grew larger with peasants in revolt;
without baggage or a train of camp-followers, limiting itself to
the most frugal nourishment on the level of the population of
the area it traversed – Mao Tse-tung’s army enjoyed extreme
mobility, unseizable by the forces of the adversary, utilizing
with constantly repeated success the tactics of infiltration,
seeing its morale growing at each new success and at each
extension of the peasant uprisings. No matter what Chiang’s
strategy, he would have lost this civil war in advance.
As military operations,
extended to an ever greater number of provinces and districts,
the peasant uprisings similarly widened and deepened. The
peasants had hesitated up to the summer of 1946. At that time,
after months of hesitation and evasion, the leadership of the
Chinese Communist Party decided to permit distribution of the
land. This was the sole means available to halt the offensive of
the government armies at the edges of the big cities and to
recruit new forces. Peasant uprisings began to be felt behind
Communist lines in territories under jurisdiction of the
“Border Region Government.” Organizing at first with
hesitation, then with growing courage as they became conscious
of their forces in the frequently held public meetings [73],
the poor peasants expropriated 21,000 landlords in the
Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Border Region during the summer of
1947. [74] This example
exercised an irresistible attraction on the peasants in
neighboring areas, then on the peasants of all China.
In vain the landlords supported
themselves on the forces of the Kuomintang or on their own armed
bands, seeking to dam the insurrections. The “fire brigades”
which they organized against the “bandits” conducted a reign
of terror in the villages, but this terror continually brought
new recruits to the armies and partisan groups of Mao. [75]
Numerous students and functionaries escaped from the big cities
to join the Communist forces. [76]
In the second half of 1947, the peasant insurrections in Hopei,
Honan and Shantung brought together a new armed force. Farther
to the south, an insurrection in Kiangsi forced the Kuomintang
to open a new front. Along with the students and small
functionaries, women joined their forces in the revolt, rising
against the thousand-year-old slavery, covering the villages
with their “Women’s Associations” which had written the
emancipation of women on their banners. The downfall could not
be delayed longer. But the Communists understood that the
easiest and most crushing victory is not that carried off on the
fields of battle, but the one conquered in the minds and hearts
of the opposing army. Beginning in 1948, they concentrated all
their forces on the disintegration of the government armies. The
democratic structure of their army, the lack of privileges among
their officers, the attention paid the ranks, the consideration
with which prisoners were treated, paved the way for a radical
reversal of the situation.
Chiang’s officers, already
profoundly demoralized, treated their own soldiers as brutally
at the first military reverses as the Chiang Kai-shek regime had
treated its own peasants. Thousands of wounded were abandoned
without any aid, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, destitute of
food and clothing, did not even receive their pay. [77]
It was on these detachments that the Communists concentrated
their efforts, efforts at fraternization. Beginning in May 1947,
the press announced that special “supervisory” detachments
would prevent the mass desertions of government troops in
Manchuria. [78] In
January 1947, the whole American-equipped 26th Division went
over to the Communist camp. [79]
A year later this movement
became irresistible. In September 1948, Tsinan, capital of
Shantung, was captured thanks to the desertion of the troops of
the general defending the city. In the same month, the important
city of Kaifeng likewise surrendered at the same time as other
centers. Chiang Kai-shek lost within a few weeks three armies
and 300,000 men. The situation of his best armies in Manchuria
became untenable. Besieged in Changchun, the 60th and the 7th
government armies lost 13,000 soldiers and officers within a few
weeks to the Communist camp; then it surrendered almost without
a fight. At Chinchow, another Manchurian city, 120,000 men
surrendered. The Communist troops took Mukden, capital of
Manchuria, rejoining under forced march in December 1948, the
Communist forces of the Great Plain, occupying rapidly Tientsin
and Peking and destroying the bulk of the troops of the
Kuomintang in the battle of Suchow.
The military collapse of the
Kuomintang completely shook the foundations of the regime.
Important military chiefs like General Fu Tso-yi, commander of
Peking, went over to Mao’s camp. A spirit of
everyone-for-himself marked the definitive disintegration of the
party in power. Seeking to save itself by desperate measures, it
opened a reign of terror in Shanghai, directed not only against
the Communists but even against the bourgeoisie. [80]
The latter threw its weight in the scales and demanded the end
of the civil war at any price. Chiang Kai-shek resigned as head
of the government and retired to his home province. Peace
parleys which could not lead to anything were undertaken.
Meanwhile, the Communist armies regrouped along the whole
Yangtze, central artery of China.
At midnight, April 20, 1949,
when the Communist ultimatum for the acceptance of terms
expired, Communist troops crossed the river at numerous
strategic points in face of insignificant resistance. The
triumphal march on Shanghai, Nanking, Hankow, Canton and
Chungking began. In a few months, Mao Tse-tung became master of
all continental China. The dictatorship of the Kuomintang had
lasted 22 years, exactly the same as that of Mussolini.
May 1, 1950
(The second part of this
article gives a description of the current situation in China, a
study of the evolution of the policy of the Chinese Communist
Party in the civil war, a criticism of the intervention of the
USSR in China, an analysis of the class nature of the Chinese
revolution and a sketch of the future perspectives of this
Including Sinkiang and Manchuria, excluding Tibet and Outer
Mongolia, China has an area of some 3.75 million square miles,
that is, somewhat less than that of Europe. With Tibet and Outer
Mongolia, China becomes 15 percent bigger than Europe.
Report of Pauley, President Truman’s special envoy to
Manchuria, in the spring of 1940. Neue Zürcher Zeitung,
May 4, 1947.
Jack Belden, China Shakes the World, Harper
& Brothers, New York, 1949. pp.127-28.
United States Relations with China. Based on the files
of the State Department, US Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C., August 1949, pp.127-28.
Ibid., p.60. Belden, op. cit.,
pp.145 and 151.
Belden, op. cit., p.151.
Belden, op. cit., p.151.
Article by a Chinese professor in Journal of Farm Economics.
Cited by John Bowman in The Chinese Peasant (Workers
International News, January-February 1949).
Belden, op. cit., pp.151, 157.
Article from the Peking magazine Ta Kung Pao,
reprinted in N.Y. Herald Tribune, July 8, 1947.
China Handbook, 1937-1943. Compiled by the
Chinese Ministry of Information. The Macmillan Company, New
York, 1943. pp.432-30.
Report by General Wedemeyer, United States Relations
with China, pp.780-93.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 2, 1947.
United States Relations with China, p.770.
China Handbook, pp.612-13.
United States Relations with China, pp.782-83. Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, August 21, November 29, 1947, June 5,
1948. N.Y. Herald Tribune, May 21 and August 7,
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 9, 1948.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 10 and November
28. 1948. N.Y. Herald Tribune, October 10,
United States Relations with China, pp.781-82,
80, 89, 93.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 4 and June 3, 1947. United
States Relations with China, p.221.
United States Relations with China, p.567.
United States Relations with China, pp.135-40.
United States Relations with China. pp.140-43.
United States Relations with China, pp.151-56.
United States Relations with China, pp.232,
158, 166.
In an interview with Marshall. December 1, 1946, Chiang-Kai-shek
felt confident “the Communist forces could be exterminated in
eight or ten months.” Previously, his military advisors had
even declared that the Communist armies could be brought to
terms within three months! (Ibid., pp.212,
See the declaration of Chu Teh, commander in chief of the
Communist armies: “If the Kuomintang had carried out the
People’s Consultative Council’s agreements in February,
there would never have been a civil war.” (Robert Payne, China
Awake, Dodd, Mead and Co., New York 1947, p.304.) Payne
likewise reports that the Communist Party proposed as arbiter of
a common administration of the town of Changchun, a big
Manchurian capitalist, Mo Ti-huei.
Thus, to combat inflation, the government decided in September
1947 to bar importation of cosmetics and to limit the duration
of banquets to two hours, limiting the number of dishes to the
number of guests only, with a ceiling of 8 dishes! (Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, Sept. 14, 1947).
United States Relations with China, pp.940-42,
945-46, 952-55, 969.
United States Relations with China, pp.1043-44.
See Program of Political Tutelage, fundamental charter
of the Kuomintang between 1928 and 1937, in China
Handbook, pp.84-85.
Robert Payne, Journey to Red China, p.110,
Heinemann, London 1947.
United States Relations with China, pp.925-33.
Belden, op. cit., pp.394-97.
L. Trotsky. Letter to the comrades of Peking, A Strategy of
Action and Not of Speculations (La Lutte de Classe,
Nos.46-47, January-February 1933).
Belden, op. cit., p.422.
Payne, op. cit., p.109.
Harold Isaacs, No Peace for Asia, Macmillan,
New York 1947. pp.54-55, 60-61.
Belden, op. cit., pp.28, 52-53, 55, 71, 84.
Report of John P. Davies, Jr., United States Relations
with China, p.567.
Belden, op. cit., pp.83, 84, 161-62.
Belden, op. cit., p.376.
N.Y. Herald Tribune, July 8, 1947. General
Wedemeyer extends this conclusion to all of China. United
States Relations with China. p.759.
Belden, op. cit., p.376.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 9, 1948.
United States Relations with China, p.758.
United States Relations with China, p.799.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung. June 15, 1948.
The Times, May 19, 1948.
Belden, op. cit., p.399.
United States Relations with China, pp.238-39. Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, May 21, 1947. Le Soir, May 22, 1947.
Belden, op. cit., p.400-02.
Belden, op. cit., p.404. United States
Relations with China, pp.277, 869, 872. Neue Zürcher
Zeitung, July 17, 1948.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 12, 1947.
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, May 12, 1947.
Harold Isaacs, The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution,
Seeker & Warburg, Ltd., London 1938, p.28. Belden, op.
cit., p.155.
China Handbook, pp.609-10.
China Handbook, p.605. One reads: “Land
ownership became more and more concentrated in the hands of a
small section of the people.”
Agrarian Problems in Southernmost China. Cited
by Isaacs, The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution,
China Handbook. p.608.
Bowman, The Chinese Peasant, op. cit.
Agnes Smedley, Feudal Vestiges in the Chinese Countryside,
in Sneevliet’s magazine, De Nieuwe Weg, 1933,
Belden cites on this subject (op. cit., p.147)
the following facts: From about 1650 to the present, the
population of China grew from 70 million to 450 million, while
the area under cultivation increased from 130 million acres to
only 260 million!
Agnes Smedley, op. cit. Belden, op.
cit. pp.155, 158.
Belden, op. cit., pp.152-53. Isaacs, op.
cit., p.29.
Owen Lattimore, The Making of Modern China,
pp.78-84. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1945. Isaacs, op.
cit. p.3.
China Handbook, pp.200-04.
Belden, op. cit., pp.157-58.
Belden, op. cit. pp.149-50.
United States Relations with China, pp.131-32.
Belden, op. cit., pp.360-61. The report of
military operations is based essentially on the dispatches of A.
Steele of the N.Y. Herald Tribune.
Military tactics outlined by Mao Tse-tung in his Christmas Day
speech in 1947. Belden, op. cit., p.322.
Belden, op. cit., pp.361, 381.
Meetings to “settle accounts” or “list grievances”
against the landlords. Belden, op. cit.,
pp.30-31, and in passing.
Belden, op. cit., p.200.
N.Y. Herald Tribune, July 8, 1947.
Belden, op. cit., p.406. In October 1948, 4,500
students crossed over in ten days.
The Times, November 20, 1948.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 27, 1947.
Belden, op. cit., p.351.
Notably by the execution of speculators, the arrest of owners of
the biggest textile mills and Tu Yueh-sen, opium king of
Shanghai and head of the yellow “trade unions” of the
Kuomintang. (Belden, op. cit., p.409.) Belden,
as well as others, indicates that the bourgeoisie was forced to
resume commercial relations with the areas occupied by the
Communists. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung of
November 19, 1948, estimates that 25 to 40 percent of the goods
imported in the Kuomintang ports went past the Communist lines.